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Here you will find the summary of projects. After the summary you have the link to some of them.

2022-2024:  Food-Dollar Method for Mexico, US Gov.

2022:  Identificación de microrregiones con potencial Agrícola para Cadenas de valor prioritarias, FAO

2020:  Evaluation of Crime and Violence ROLE in Nuevo Leon  Centro Cemex-Tec

2019:  Writing Grand. Puentes Consortium, Rice University.

2012-2017: Leader for México in FP7 NOPOOR Project Enhancing Knowledge for Renewed Policies against Poverty

2013-2016:  Leader for Mexico in Volkswagen Foundation with GIGA Institute, Climate Change Mitigation and Poverty Alleviation (CliMip).

2016:  Leader for Mexico in the research of Minimum Income Standards (MIS) with the University of Loughborough-UK

2012-2014:  Leader of the assessment of design, consistence, and results of two ITESM programs that serve the Pyramid Base Population as part of the Legacy of Tecnológico de Monterrey: Social Incubators program “Impulso a la Microempresa” and Online High school  Prep@Net




Funding allocated to Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL). Input-Output and Social Account Matrices by regions distinguishing between productive and reproductive work.  Funded by CONACYT-INMUJERES.




  • Social Mobility with gender perspective in Nuevo León, for CEEY.


  • CGE model to assess the impact of food policies in Mexico, for FAO-Italy


  • CGE model to assess the impact of policies for children with Miguel Székely, for UNICEF through CEES.


  • SDG-10 Inequality. Initiative SDG´s in Tec. Legislative Strategy for the 2030Agenda- Deputy Chamber.


  • Multidimensional Food Poverty Index, for National Food Banks BAMX


  • Impact of CCT on labor and education, with Miguel Székely, for WB


  • Price elasticity, poverty, and the food basket, with Miguel Székely, for IADB


Woman’s Institute of Mexico. Multidimensional Index of Decent Work with Gender Perspective.


  • ECLAC, CGE to assess millennium development goals after the crisis.


  • CONEVAL Multidimensional Index of Poverty with Gender Perspective


  • Federal SEDESOL-ECLAC, CGE to evaluate impact of prices on poverty.


  • Municipal SEDESOL, Impact of Municipality GYMs on Social Capital



PROJECTS WHILE AT SEP (Ministry of Education, 2007-2008)
  1. System of Evaluation of the Upper Secondary Education in Mexico (EMS).

  2. Scholarships for Students in Upper Secondary Education in Mexico: public Funding and Private Enterprise funding (Televisa-Bécalos and Microsoft).

  3. How to insert graduates of Upper Secondary Education in the Mexican labour Markets and Those graduates from Oportunidades Human Development Program.

  4. Module of Upper Secondary education in the Employments Surveys (ENOE).

  5. Labour Observatory for Upper Secondary Education together with the Ministry of Labour.

  6. How to analyse health, nutrition and addictions in students attending Upper Secondary education.

  7. Wages for graduates from Upper Secondary Education.

  8. Diagnosis of Upper Secondary Education.

  9. Interactive CD for vocational orientation.

  10. ALI Program with Jere Berhman, Petra Todd and Ken Wolpin.

  11. Survey on causes of dropping out high school.

  12. Program of Health in EMS.



PROJECTS WHILE AT SEDESOL (Ministry of Social Development, 2005-2006)
  1. Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Mexico. A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. With Dr. Miguel Szèkely Project Leader of the Country Team of Mexico for UNDP.

  2. Poverty Microsimulations for Mexico 2003-2015.

  3. The impact of Infrastructure on Poverty Prevalence. Project for SEDESOL.

  4. Comparison between poverty lines. Project for SEDESOL.

  5. Supervising: The Impact of Government Policies on Employment, Income and Assets Accumulation of the poorest population in Mexico. A Project developed for the Intersecretarial Commission of Development in Mexico.

  6. Contributing in the First National Social Capital Survey in Mexico. Project for SEDESOL.

  7. Poverty and Undernourishment in Scholars, Policy Document for Mexico.

Below you can see some of them, click in the link

Cadenas productivas 2022
CliMip: (2013- 2016)
Climate Change and 
Poverty Mitigation

Does the implementation of climate change mitigation policies in developing countries always involve a trade-off between economic development, poverty reduction, and climate protection, or is there space for “win-win policies”? This question is relevant for today’s fast-growing middle-income economies, which are already or will soon become very significant contributors to global warming.

NOPOOR (2010-2017)
Strategies to decrease Poverty

NOPOOR aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. Poverty cannot be tackled without a comprehensive approach. It is a multidimensional phenomenon, and NOPOOR explores its new and uncharted dimensions.


Doing research across borders of the academy and become a measurable impact factor in the development of Mexico is the task undertaken by the Tecnológico de Monterrey with the reformulation of the model of research directed toward three areas: Sustainability, Pyramid Base and Public Policy.


Educational innovation in the Tecnológico de Monterrey is understood as the creative integration of new and existing to improve the educational process elements. Such changes may contemplate improving something that already exists, apply / adapt best practices from other organizations (incremental innovation) or make something new (disruptive innovation).

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